Jodie Semel, LPC, NCC 203.984.2162
Licensed Professional Counselor serving Fairfield County, Connecticut
Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Groups.
Skills training occurs in groups (individual learning is also an option) during weekly sessions and are not to be confused with a process therapy group format. The sessions are in a class format, structured on five modules found in Marsha Linehan's manual: DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets.
Types of DBT Skills Groups.
DBT skills groups are held weekly for 6 months and then repeated to insure that the skills are enhanced and generalized into the client's life. Groups occur in conjunction with weekly individual therapy sessions, where personal targets are addressed.
Adolescents + Their Family.
The DBT-A (DBT for Adolescents) is for parents and their teens 14 -18 and is extremely effective in helping each family member find value and motivation, meaning, and ways cope WHILE managing difficult emotions and pain. Skills groups are for 12 or 24 weeks.